Are You The One Recap 10/6/14: Season 2 Episode 1 Premiere One Too Many

Are You The One Recap 10/6/14: Season 2 Episode 1 Premiere “One Too Many”

Tonight on MTV their series Are You The One airs returns an all new Monday October 6, season 2 premiere episode called, “One Too Many.” On tonight’s episode a format change is introduced to the competition in the season 2 premiere.

For those of you who are not familiar with the show, it follows 20 people who are living together in Hawaii to find their perfect match. If the 10 men and 10 women are able to correctly choose all ten perfect matches in ten weeks, they will gain $1 million to split among them. Each episode the cast will pair up with who they believe their perfect match is to compete in a challenge. The winners of the challenge will go on a date, and have a chance to test their match in the truth booth. The cast members will choose one of the winning couples to go to the truth booth to determine if they are a perfect match or not. This is the only way to confirm matches. Each episode ends with a matching ceremony where the couples will be told how many perfect matches they have, but not which matches are correct.

On tonight’s episode ten perfectly matched young men and women learn there will be an eleventh girl, completely changing everything.

Be sure to tune in for Are You The One on MTV at 10 PM EST and check back here for a live recap of all of drama. Hit up the comments to tell us how excited you are about this second season.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

The announcer almost immediately announces the twist in the game this season: that one of the guys has two perfect matches. The eleventh girl, a hot blonde named Christina.

The girls are really annoyed with the rule, but the guys love it. One of the girls will have to be in direct competition with Christina for their match. They still need ten perfect matches to win the $1 million.

The contests immediately start drinking and mingling. Ellie, a crazy chick with a southern accent, announces to some of the other girls that she brought her dildos with her.The girls are still butthurt at Christina and tell her “we’ll love you, but right now we hate you.”

Anthony boasts about his penis and about how he’s a player. Paris, a contestant who works at a nightclub, is here to avoid douchey guys. Briana and Curtis hit it off quickly, making each other laugh and flirting. Briana blatantly calls him attractive right then and there.

Elsewhere, John steps over Briana on the bed, hitting her nose, which starts bleeding profusely. I mean, it’s everywhere. One of the girls says they should go to the hospital, which sends Briana into hysterics. “Oh my god, did I just take this girl out of the game?” John says.

Christina shows off the hip tattoo she got the first time she met her dad. She talks about how people sort of step on her because she’s looking for the right people to be close to. Brandon reveals he has a similar tattoo, and of course, they’re enamored with one another now.

Jessica, meanwhile, is going the route of hooking up with people. She and Anthony become the first people in the house to hook up.

The next morning, Ellie reassures Jessica, who regrets it. “We’ve all done it,” she says.

Now the group has a challenge, which consists of ten blocks of ice, each of which contains a key with a code to unlock a box. The couples must melt the blocks with their bodies. Everyone partners up; Briana is still in the hospital and can’t participate in the challenge.

Layton and Alex secure the first position in the getaway date, Brandon and Jessica the second. Pratt and Paris win the final position. “It doesn’t matter if you win by an inch or a mile, winning’s winning,” Pratt says.

The winning couples will be traveling by private plane to “one of the most beautiful beaches in the world.” One of the winning couples will also have to be sent into the truth booth to see if they’re a perfect match or not. If they are, they will be sent to the honeymoon suite.

Paris thinks Pratt may be her match, but she wants to spend more time in the house and party. She tells Pratt this, and that if they could stay in the house they’d still be able to spend a lot of time together. They want to outsmart the system. Jessica spontaneously kisses him for the first time in the confessional.

Briana gets back from the hospital after “15 hours of hell.”  “I don’t need any stitches, but he did fracture my nose,” she tells everyone.

Paris immediately starts the plot by pretending that she doesn’t like Pratt, saying that they “don’t get along” because they had a “religion argument.” “I was like, done,” Pratt announces. They mock everyone for not seeing that they’re into each other. “You’re like the Helen Keller of ‘Are You The One,’” Pratt says.

The couples go on their date. Brandon and Jessica feel nothing for each other, so Jessica goes and pursues Layton. She holds back on kissing him because of her previous behavior on the first night. Brandon tells Jessica that Paris and Pratt are pretending to hate each other. “Look at ‘em,” he says. “They’re probably talking shit about us right now.”
“I don’t care,” Jessica says.

Jessica says she can’t believe this early in the game there are already douchebags.

When the entire group gets together to see who will go in the truth booth, Briana calls out Paris and Pratt, and they confess how they feel about eachother. Pratt explains that he’s not yet ready to go into the truth booth so soon when he may find out she’s not his match. Other contestants yell at them, Pratt mainly, about how they can’t play the game if couples are going to keep secrets like that and that Pratt isn’t the only one falling in love in the house because that’s the reason everyone is there.

It is revealed that the first couple going into the truth booth is Brandon and Jessica. They don’t want to be a match. “Jess and I are not a match,” Brandon says. “I don’t even like fake boobs, I like real boobs.” Christina is praying they aren’t a match because she and Brandon like each other. They aren’t a match, and the three of them are ecstatic. “My perfect match is not someone like me,” Jessica says. She thinks her perfect match may be Layton. Brandon comes back in and kisses Christina dramatically.

Ashley realizes that the girls not welcoming her backfired, throwing her into the arms of the boys. “We need to play the game,” she says.

Layton talks with Jenny about Jess about how into him she is. He confesses that Jenny is someone he could see himself with, but Jess is very attractive to him.

The match-up begins. It is revealed one of the girls will be left out.

Layton picks first, with both Jenny and Jess wanting him to pick them. Jenn describes him as her “prince charming,” and Jenny says that Jess needs to back off and give up. He chooses Jenny, and Jess is visibly upset. Jenny says that Layton is the type of guy she tends to go for. Despite being upset, Jess doesn’t reveal it when asked if there’s a love triangle.

Dario: Ashley.
Pratt: Paris.
Curtis: Briana
John: Jasmine
Brandon: Christina

“One of these girls is not gonna be picked, because you’re here,” the announcer says.

Garland?: Alex
Anthony: Jessica
Despite having hooked up on the first night, they’re not sure they’re a match.
Nathan: Shelby
Alex: Ellie

Tyler has been left out.

The number of perfect matches for the match-up is two out of ten perfect matches. They only have nine more chances to find all the matches.

