Armie Hammer Is Cut Off From The Affluent Family Dynastys Financial Aid

Because even his relatives, the millionaire oil tycoon and founder of the Hammer family dynasty, Armand, do not want to know anything about him, luck has most certainly turned its back on Armie Hammer.

The actor, who, as previously reported, manages unit rentals at a hotel in the Cayman Islands, started working because “his father doesn’t want to help him anymore, and he was cut off from his family,” a source told reporters.

After a protracted scandal and claims of cannibalism, the goldmine ran dry, prompting Army to rehab. The Hammer family is still prospering in the interim.

Thanks to the substantial money their great-grandfather Armand made at Occidental Petroleum in the 1950s. The actor’s business-minded ancestor operated the company from 1957 until his passing in 1990. Michael, Armie’s father, ultimately took over the company.

He currently oversees the International Hammer Foundation, the Armand Hammer Foundation, and other family-named organizations.

However, if the 1996 book Dossier: The Secret History of Armand Hammer by Jay Epstein is to be believed, the business tycoon has been connected to several controversies, from money laundering to Soviet spying.

Andrew Brettler, Armie’s lawyer, stated last Friday that due to the lack of communication between Armie and his client, he was unable to confirm or refute the news of Armie’s new job. The attorney said: “I just believe it’s terrible that if he offers a timeshare, the media will condemn him for having a “regular job.”

But Robert Downey Jr. is prepared to take him under his care while the family tries to forget about the “Call Me by Your Name” star.


In order to avoid ongoing media attention, the Hollywood star funded Hammer’s six-month treatment in a Florida recovery facility and granted Armie and his family permission to live in his home.
