How to use emotes in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands continues the trend in gaming that allows players to show off with various emotes.

Borderlands 3 was the first in the series to let characters dance their hearts out or insult others through their actions with emotes. This latest adventure in the Borderlands franchise has kept that same energy.

It doesn't explicitly state how to use emotes in Wonderlands. Players will have to fend for themselves when it comes to finding out. Using them is as easy as accessing the quick menu and selecting one, however.

How to use an emote in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands

Emotes are the number one way to express yourself as a player (Image via Gearbox Software)

Players have a simple feature that allows them to access their emotes and select one for use. They will need to open up the quick menu, in which the button differs between systems.

PlayStation players will need to hold down the options button. Xbox users can open the quick menu by holding down the start button. For those on PC, they will need to use the Z key to bring up that menu.

This opens the emote wheel. Tiny Tina's Wonderlands players can navigate through their current active emotes and use the wheel to pick whatever action they want to express at that time.

How to change emotes

The quick-change machine lets players swap out their emotes (Image via Gearbox Software)

The emotes available can be changed in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. Players can add more to the selection, remove any they don't want to use, or replace ones with new favorites.

To change them, players will need to get to the town of Brighthoof. Help clear out the town of skeletons. Finish the mission that follows to get the Sword of Souls. This will officially help players clear the town.

Once Brighthoof is back to normal, players should make their way to Izzy's Bar. Talk to the owner, Izzy. She will send them to the quick-change station. This is where players can change their emotes.

There are four emotes that can be edited with this quick-change machine. That number will grow later on in the game after players finish certain quests and advance through the storyline.

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