Nemr Abou Nassar interview: 'The only thing more powerful than hatred is a good joke' | London Eveni

He didn’t get that far. “We go to the place and get into a bar, and there’s a dude, a big fat white guy, watching Fox News. They’re running a story about Arabs and he goes on a diatribe about them — that he’d f***ing kill an Arab in a second if he ever saw an Arab, and s*** like that. And then my white friend told him not to talk like that because his friend — me — was an Arab. So the guy pulled a gun out on me. And I diffused the situation with a joke.” A joke? “The only thing more powerful than a hatred is a good joke,” says Nemr. “The man says, are you like an A-rab? You don’t look like a God damn A-rab? So I look at him, and I didn’t miss a beat and said, in the thickest Arabic accent I could muster, ‘Very good, my plan is working perfectly, Allah-la-la-la-la-la-la’.”
