Regidrago Elite Raids set to return in Pokemon GO in May 2023

When the Regidrago Elite Raids event took place in Pokemon GO back in March 2023, the community complained about a plethora of issues, including crashes, glitches, and the inability to participate. Niantic swiftly promised that they would make up for the negative experience with trainers worldwide. They recently announced that the event will return next month for players to enjoy once again.

Niantic has found itself in a tight spot over the past several weeks, with the community reacting adversely to the Remote Raid Pass nerfs that were recently implemented. Apart from these changes, Pokemon GO events have also suffered from various technical issues that negatively impacted the player experience. The developers will hope that the upcoming May 2023 Regidrago Elite Raid event will make some headway in earning back their fanbase's goodwill.

Regidrago will reappear in Pokemon GO as Elite Raid Boss again in May

The Regidrago Elite Raids will return to Pokemon GO on Saturday, May 13, 2023. The event will be held at 11:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 5:00 pm local time. Season 10 Rising Heroes saw the debut of two Legendary Titans, Regidrago and Regieleki, through these unique raids.

The official announcement was shared on the AR title's Twitter handle. It was further revealed that a free bundle would be available in the game for GMT +13 players, stating:

"We appreciate the patience from trainers in the GMT +13 time zone for the issues experienced during the Regidrago raids. As a special thank you, a free bundle will be available in the in-game shop for GMT +13 trainers from May 12 at 11:00 a.m. to May 13 at 6:00 p.m. local time."

The initial Regidrago Elite Raids event was held on Saturday, March 11, 2023. Pokemon GO trainers were quick to point out that not everyone could find the required number of players when they were ready to participate in the raid at their nearest location.

Others complained that no Elite Raid spawned during the mentioned time period, effectively denying players an opportunity to catch the Legendary Pokemon. For many, technical issues plagued the occasion. Crashes and random errors also kept players from engaging with the event.

Players will hope that the May 2023 Elite Raid event will be a markedly better experience. The Sustainability Week 2023 event is currently live in Pokemon GO, with fans enjoying the debuts of Bounsweet and Shiny Drilbur. Furthermore, the occasion features a Special Research questline that earns trainers an encounter with Shaymin.

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