Currently, in the NFL, we're seeing more and more teams pair up a duo of stud wide receivers to aid their quarterback and propel their franchises to the very top of the game. One recent example that stands out is with the Cincinnati Bengals, who paired Ja'Marr Chase up with Tee Higgins for the 2021-22 season. Cincinnati went from a four-win team to the Super Bowl.
Having two elite wideouts can propel your team to the top, as was the case with the Bengals. This is why we've seen plenty of teams down the years have success with a pair of stud receivers.
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The "Mark Brothers" are amongst the best NFL receiving duos of all time, having starred for the Miami Dolphins in the 1980s and early 1990s.
Duper managed four 1,000-yard seasons in Miami, including two 1,300 seasons, while Clayton had five 1,000 seasons. The latter was named to five Pro Bowls while with the Dolphins, while Duper made three.
It helped that they had one of the best quarterbacks in league history throwing the ball: Dan Marino. But the "Mark Brothers" were electric in their prime.
The pair, who formed the "Greatest Show on Turf," combined to create one of the best wide receiving duos in NFL history.
As members of the St. Louis Rams, Bruce and Holt helped the team win the Super Bowl in 1999. Despite not being able to lead the team to another Lombardi Trophy, both had five 1,000-receiving-yard seasons in the next seven years.
Since retiring, Bruce has been inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. There have been plenty of shouts from Rams fans for Holt to join him.
Peyton Manning had two stud wide receivers to throw the ball to during his time with the Indianapolis Colts. Marvin Harrison and Reggie Wayne were at the top of their games with Manning under center. Both would spend most of their careers with the Colts.
Wayne racked up 14,345 career yards, with Harrison amassing 14,580. Both rank in the top 10 in NFL history. Harrison and Wayne combined for 23 total touchdowns in the 2006 season as they led the Colts to a Super Bowl victory.
Jerry Rice and Terrell Owens rank first and third all-time in receiving yards, making the fact they played together a scary thought for any defensive back. The two were teammates towards the end of Rice’s time with the San Francisco 49ers. They lit the league up in 1998, combining for 23 touchdowns and 2,254 yards.
Rice retired with 13 Pro Bowl selections, 11 All-Pros, and an NFL record of 197 touchdowns. Owens put up fantastic stats, too, with 153 touchdowns and led the league in receiving touchdowns three times.
During Randy Moss’ rookie year in 1998, he and Cris Carter formed arguably the greatest receiving duo in NFL history. Moss put up 1,313 receiving yards that year to go along with Carter’s 1,011. More impressive, however, is the fact that the pair combined for a ridiculous 29 receiving touchdowns.
Carter retired in 2002, ending his career 13th overall in receiving yards, while Moss hung his boots 10 years later, ending his career fourth on the same list. They’re now both Pro Football Hall of Fame inductees.
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